Agreement between WSense and ASN for the submarine internet

WSense, a deeptech company founded as a spinoff of the Sapienza University of Rome, specialized in submarine monitoring and communication systems, and Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN), which is part of Nokia and is among the leading providers of connections with transmission capacity with over 750 thousand km of submarine optical cables deployed worldwide, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create the next generation of submarine wireless communication systems.

The MoU outlines areas of collaboration between WSense and ASN to integrate their respective technologies and expertise in order to develop a state-of-the-art underwater communication system.

The partnership aims to revolutionise underwater exploration and real-time data collection, contributing significantly to the understanding of the oceans while fully respecting the marine ecosystem, as the systems emit an acoustic power equal to one hundredth of that of devices commonly mounted on vessels and transmit data intelligently only when needed.

Internet backbones

In particular, the collaboration will leverage WSense’s wireless underwater communication technology and ASN’s network as the backbone for the creation of subsea wireless telecommunication networks. This will foster underwater wireless coverage, facilitating real-time remote monitoring (noise, water quality, seismic activity, etc.), and will also play a role in predicting and early detection of disasters, aiding surveillance and naval operations for coastal safety.

Chiara Petrioli, CEO of WSense, says in a note: “This collaboration with ASN allows us to take a huge step forward in the field of submarine networks, allowing us to develop an “underwater Wi-Fi” coverage connected to the internet backbone. We are excited to combine our innovative technologies to create something truly revolutionary.”

Alain Biston, CEO of ASN comments: “Our partnership with deeptech company WSense is a strategic move that aligns perfectly with our mission to connect the world through reliable, high-capacity underwater networks. This collaboration will not only accelerate innovation, but also strengthen our positive impact on ocean communications and security. We look forward to seeing the incredible progress this partnership will bring.”


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