Flexrem, here is the startup that helps you work all over the world

It’s called Flexrem and it’s the startup born in November 2023 that aims to innovate the field of remote and hybrid working by addressing the global market of users and companies from the beginning. In the last 4 months, Flexrem has started hosting several tens of thousands of job opportunities and users internationally. It was founded by Luca Tamburrino and Fabio Pulvirenti and is a marketplace of B2B & B2B opportunities and services in the new world of remote and hybrid work.

Flexrem’s mission is to build a new work-life balance for both the current global workforce and companies, starting from its foundation which is represented by the generation of flex and remote job opportunities, and then meeting new service topics that will soon be online and available to both users and companies.

Flexrem intends to rethink the way companies and remote professionals connect, with a mission to create seamless interactions in the world of remote and hybrid work by challenging traditional geographical boundaries and outdated recruitment models.

It is divided into 4 different product iterations. Currently in its first phase, that of recruiting without being a job board, the startup has created an innovative advanced job search model with a specific algorithm that has three search keys as a pattern: how, where, what.

In this way, the user will not be able to search as a job title, but will be able to start his search for opportunities through the mode of how he would like to search and Flexrem here offers 5 innovative modes: Hybrid, Remote Country, Remote Countries, Anywhere, Business Area. Subsequently, based on its selected how, it will find an automation on the search where and the user will be able to enter his job title.

Flexrem is also bringing to market a first version of AI and LLM Matching to improve the quality and optimization of searchable job postings. This will create a new way to define the what and how, not just the job title a person is looking for. Through this technology, a new standard is defined for job matching, where “how and what” become an extension of each person’s desire to discover new unexplored career horizons.

Hybrid, flexible, international working

The same model has been created for companies when they share their job offers through a specific job spec where they have to validate the requirements and values of the flex or remote offer. Companies also have access to an application tracking system created by FlexRem, a company page built on the value of perks and benefits designed for the remote worker, and numerous data and insights on their employer branding and recruiting activity on Flexrem. All this while paying €29.90 per month for each individual job slot.

Currently, 44% of Flexrem users apply to a remote or flex job offer worldwide after arriving on the platform.

“We created Flexrem because our mission is to be able to improve the quality of the work-life balance of people around the world and give companies the opportunity to be able to find their best talents, freelancers and employees, without any borders and barriers,” Luca Tamburrino, co-founder of Flexrem, tells Startupbusiness. The concept of work-life balance, boundaries and barriers creates associations with other issues that are absolutely new in the current labor market such as the numerous tax breaks created by the various international countries, digital nomad visa, payroll, compliance, employer or record, company re-trip, insurance, remote advisor and then arrive at the ‘workation’, people free to be able to travel while working. In addition to many others such as keys to interpretation and implementations. We started by creating the foundation of this big open house called Flexrem. In other words, we started from the innovation of job search and talent search through a message that is: ‘Now you can choose how and where do you prefer to work’. Since the end of November, we have analyzed several thousand data points of the current labor market and its future, the most important requests and needs from users, and the challenges that such a demanding system still brings. To give you a transparent summary, these were the most important data for us: in 2024, the distribution of workers has stabilized with 14% fully remote, 57% in the office, and 29% hybrid. 98% of employees prefer some form of remote [Forbes]work; 16% of companies globally are fully remote, while 63% offer a hybrid or remote [Owl Labs]option; remote work policies allow companies to tap into global talent pools, with 50% hiring from different continents [Remote .co]; hiring globally is easier than ever: 70% of companies use remote work to access talent from all over the world [SHRM]. And again: remote work is not without its challenges. A survey by Owl Labs revealed that loneliness is a significant concern for remote workers, with 22% citing it as the biggest [Owl Labs]challenge; remote work saves employees an average of 100 hours per year of commutes [Business Insider]; despite the benefits, remote work comes with challenges. One report found that 35% of remote employees have work-life [Buffer]balance issues; remote work isn’t just good for you, it’s good for the planet as well. Telecommuting can reduce carbon emissions by up to 54 million tons per year [Global Workforce Analytics]; demand for real estate with home offices increases by 80%, reshaping the real estate [Realtor]market; insurance for digital nomads is booming: it covers health, travel, and equipment for a worry-free [Insurance Business Magazine]remote lifestyle. We want to create a multi-purpose digital space to make it the ideal space for remote & flex workers and companies and in the coming weeks we will share the next iterations of Flexrem as a product and its market strategy and what else it will host within it to solve many changing needs of the current labor market. What is certain is that more and more people are looking for more time for themselves, to have a new balance with work. To say that I can actually only work in a specific country or city or, on the contrary, only hire people in a certain geographical context is something that is no longer rational as a thought for many sectors, jobs and industries. Instead, it is logical to be able to freely choose where and how to work.”

“We have entered a new era for the labour market, an era characterised by a globalisation of job opportunities. What was once a clear and well-defined path, made up of workers’ rights, salaries, benefits and pensions, has been transformed, enriched with countless variations. This evolution has been driven by a broadening of the possibilities offered by the market, which now goes far beyond local borders: The global labor market,” adds Fabio Pulvirenti, co-founder of Flexrem. “ In front of us, a fork in the road opens up: we can choose to remain anchored to our local labor market, a system that, despite some difficulties, offers protections and guidelines on how to navigate the job search. Or, we can explore this new global landscape of work, full of possibilities but also challenges, in search of opportunities that were previously unimaginable. Every day, millions of people are faced with a crucial choice: prioritise their professional career or ensure a balanced life outside of work. Currently, the tools available for job search seem to focus more on the number of applications rather than on the quality of the match between candidate and company. These systems tend to highlight what companies are looking for in a potential employee, neglecting to provide essential information about what the job actually entails after hiring. After meeting Luca Tamburrino, my international work experience, my affinity for technology and my inclination for innovation merged into this idea. I realized that I had everything I needed to create something important on a social level: a tool that can transform the way people find work, starting from their desires. The goal is to offer everyone the opportunity to discover an occupation that is not only rewarding and full of emotions and benefits, but also leaves room for happiness and satisfaction in life outside of work.”

(note to the reader: Luca Tamburrino is also a collaborator of Startupbusiness and together with the director of the magazine has recently published the book ‘What and where: digital strategies for job search’ published by Franco Angeli)


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