e-QBO by T°RED. Creativity,architecture and energy


A few days ago we celebrated the first year of our company, T°RED. In fact, as often happens, our story begins before last July and maybe we have even to struggle to find the real starting point of it.


Surely, when we started to think about an “object that could represent the contemporary city”, at the end of 2011, we did not think we’d get to have a society full of inspiration, ideas and concrete projects. 

T°RED stems from the desire to do and to get involved of five crazy guys, or a visionary one that four crazy ones wanted to put at the head of the company, entrusting him with the task of continuing to work as he always did between design, technology and research, putting his creativity and his way of working in an operational structure ready to move around various projects that are both beautiful and fascinating.

First of all e-QBO project, the sine qua non of five crazy that made a society of five crazy guys and  that transformed many dreams in a tangible reality servicing the humankind 

What am I talking about? A small architecture, a large urban furniture. An off the scale object that was born as a manifesto of a specific way of working and of the dialogue between design and research. It has then become a concrete product that since two years ago has a lot to tell, about itself, the opportunities it offers and how it can transform the city.

e-QBO, designed by Romolo Stanco (the visionary guy), is a temporary and contemporary modular architecture that can produce and accumulate energy, giving it back as power for any electrical use, thus becoming autonomous and independent from the power grid: you can take it anywhere, mount it easily and remove it quickly and it can become anything. A physical and protected space that provides energy for different uses.

It has been “manifesto of smart cities” in Milan, during the first installation in Piazza San Fedele, and then lounge area for RSE (scientific supervisor of the project from the beginning) and GSE at Innovation Cloud and Made Expo, it has been temporary museum and symbol of “The Architecture of the Future” in “Architects meet in Selinunte,” the festival organized by critic Prestinenza Puglisi inside one of the best preserved archaeological parks, where it established a positive relation with the Magna Grecia temples. It has been chosen by the Ministry of Economic Development to represent Italy at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, a really special “Italian Pavilion”, that made energy and creativity its international and memorable business card. 

Since more than a month it is in the heart of Piacenza, in Piazza Cavalli, where it became a meeting point and an aggregation place, perfect for exchanges and debates. A new “beating heart” of the city.


Morever, in between all these events, we are managing several requests for rental or purchase of what is perceived as an architectural product chameleon, able to adapt to the needs of the city with a contemporary image. An object of the present that reminds the Space Odyssey spaceship and the energy lines of Tron, that is at the same time a “friendly object” capturing your attention and inviting you to interact, a “thing of the future” that is already working today. 

How did this happen? 

Because we propose a new way of seeing and doing things. Because we play as a team. First of all between us. Five crazy (Romolo, Martino, Cecilia, Barbara, Erica) that comprehend each other and that integrate themselves in the company’s management and in the activities to be carried out. 

A team that also looks outside and often includes partners and suppliers that are essential in order to carry out the projects. Whether it’s businesses, institutions or research institutes, we always work experimenting, offering something new, special and integrating skills and knowledge into a unique thing which quickly changes from the idea step to prototype to marketable product. A concrete and tangible product, that you can use and experience first hand. 

In a short time e-QBO became a symbol of the way we see things, of our desire to change and the power that we have when, noticing we are tired of the way things are, we move to the field. At least to improve things. And we always find travel companions willing to bet with us in the adventure. 

Are you there are too? How would you use e-QBO?

Erica Marson is one of the fice founding memebrs of T°RED she is in charge of managmenet, communicationa and international relationship

















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