Crowdfunding: il video pitch di Mondo, 1,3 milioni in 96 secondi

Quando si dice che una campagna di crowdfunding è di successo: Mondo , una startup londinese fintech, ha incredibilmente raggiunto la raccolta target della sua prima campagna di crowdfunding (1 milione di sterline) in un tempo record: un minuto e mezzo. La campagna più veloce della storia. Mondo è una startup decisamente disruptive: la prima banca al mondo mobile-first, ha raccolto anche 7 milioni di sterline da Passion Capital. Qui la sua campagna su CrowdCube. Qui la sua comunicazione post campagna. Scrivono: Mondo, the mobile-first challenger bank, has reached its £1 million fundraising target in 1 minute 36 seconds. The Passion Capital backed mobile bank received unprecedented interest for its crowdfunding campaign from more than 8,500 people. Today 1,898 people invested an average of £527 each and will share 3.33% equity in the soon-to-be bank via the UK’s most popular investment crowdfunding platform Crowdcube. Of the people who invested, 40% were existing Crowdcube members, who invested 47% of the total amount raised, showing how businesses can engage their own network, as well as our growing crowd of over 250,000 people, in a crowdfunding raise on Crowdcube. Crowd investors share the same voting rights as Passion Capital, one of Europe’s leading early stage venture capital (VC) firms that has already invested £7 million in Mondo, the largest amount of money ever invested by the firm. Mondo is part of the wave of fintech businesses challenging the UK’s financial services sector through its smart use of technology and customer-first attitude.   It is designed around a generation (so called millennials) that rely on their smartphones to access services and products they want, something the traditional banks are being slow to do, and are mistrustful of traditional banks. Mondo turned down additional investment offers from notable international investors in order to include its customers in this investment round. Tom Blomfield, CEO of Mondo, said: “We’re the first bank to enable customers to become shareholders through a crowdfunding platform. Our customers are already helping us to build the bank from the ground up by alpha testing the mobile app. They deserve to be a real part of our journey to be a bank that people can trust and puts them back in control of their finances. We want to continue to involve them in future funding rounds.”  


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