Crowdfunding, ecco come Regenesi finanzierà le File Bag

Qualche giorno fa EconomyUp ha pubblicato la storia di Danver Bag, invenzione di Veronica Masiero che  per finanziare il suo progetto ha scelto di utilizzare il crowdfunding e in particolare la piattaforma di Kickstarter. Veronica non è la sola, c’è un’altra startup italiana che fa oggetti di design e borse partendo da materiali riciclabili: si chiama Regenesi, anch’essa è stata fondata ed è guidata da una donna, Maria Silvia Pazzi, e anche questa startup ha scelto la strada del crowdfunding su Kickstarter per il suo nuovo progetto denominato File Bag. Ecco la storia di Regenesi nelle parole della sua fondatrice. “We turn waste products into things of beauty because there is no contradiction between being functional, eco-compatible and beauty. We believe that something fine and useful can be gleaned from the consumer society and from wastage – says Maria Silvia Pazzi founder and Ceo if Regenesi and mother of four -. In other words, how do you turn 100 cans into a very elegant plate or how do you fold regenerated leather like origami to produce a tasteful basket for waste paper and create little pieces of poetry, of beauty, style and practicality, out of every sort of scrap and waste. These objects of desire represent a new idea of luxury illuminated by a compatible vision of sustainable beauty”. Regenesi is a company born in 2008 from the intuition and passion of her founder, that designs, manufactures and markets original design products – with a high reputation for quality – produced from post-consumer recycled materials. “The intention is to promote a new lifestyle where the beauty marries the respect for the environment and satisfy in this way an increasingly widespread and shared need in the contemporary world. Our accessories are with you in a wide range of everyday life, from home to office to care for your own person: furnishings, objects for the work up to fashion accessories – says Maria Silvia -. Aluminium, leather, plastic, cardboard and rubber; raw materials regenerated with novel processing techniques that ensure quality standards identical to those of virgin raw materials to which is given a second chance to be better. Our every single object, carefully handmade by skilled Italian craftsmen, is produced to live fashion and design with full respect for man and the environment” “First years were really hard – keep on Maria Silvia Pazzi – because we had to create a new market not only a new company. We passed a lot of time informing public opinion, taking part to several conferences and exhibitions, increasing even more our reputation on sustainable issues. And now we are ready for another challenge: we have just launched a new collection of sustainable glamour bags on Kickstarter”. “The fundraising’s goal is to start the production to launch the product on the market, but above all to share the challenge with all the people who wish to participate, by involving them with thoughts, opinions and new ideas that maybe, could make the bag even more innovative. The choice of Kickstarter is in line with our international outlook and with the characteristics of research and trend, typical of an instrument so innovative and social, that can allow everyone to take part of the project.” La partecipazione alla campagna di crowdfunding per la produzione della File Bag può avvenire già con un solo euro; i contributi a partire da 158 euro permettono invece di ricevere le prime File Bag.      


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