Cleanweb Hackaton Italia: Filas awards Drop Share as best app of the ecofriendly challenge

A “green trainer” for smartphone to help adopt, through gamification, a healthy lifestyle and reduce pollution in Rome: it’s name is DROP SHARE and it is the best app for sustainable urban mobility awarded the other night by Filas at the Cleanweb Hackathon of Rome. The “Filas Guerilla Cyclers Prize”, worth 2 thousand euro, was awarded to Green Moon, a group of 5 young researchers from La Sapienza University of Rome led by Luca Vallarelli (22). Among the reasons for the award, perfect adhesion to the mandatory requirements and the use of Open Street Maps (as well as  Google maps) portal and Through the eco-friendly social web-App DROP SHARE (for Android) you will be able to calculate the amount of CO2 and trees saved as well as calories burned by moving in the city, on foot or by bicycle. This virtuous behaviour will be rewarded with a DROP (a “preferred” item as a song, a video, etc..) that will stimulate challenges amongst the most environmentally friendly users .



Second place went to the App BREATH IN, from Spanish developer Gustavo Giudici, which, through a wearable device, logs and processes individual data (temperature, humidity, CO, heart rate, NO2) making it available to third parties in Open form. The same App also won second place in the overall Hackathon challenge (one thousand euro prize). Third place in the competition “Guerilla Cyclers Prize” was ECORUN from Roman team Fieldeffectlabs: in addition to measuring the CO2 saved by the user, it monitors environmental data surrounding a blackbox .
The ‘Guerilla Cyclers’ challenge was launched by Filas within the first Italian Cleanweb Hackathon, a record edition with 97 developers working on 17 projects developed in just 36 hours. The event, which took place from 30 November to 2 December in Rome at the University of Roma Tre, was in absolute terms, the largest Hackathon of the series that began in San Francisco and has since been touring worldwide.
The Cleanweb Hackathon in Rome was a result of the Protocol signed between Filas, the leading venture capitalist in Lazio, and Enlabs, the first Italian business accelerator, for the development of joint initiatives supporting innovation and start-ups. Among the instruments which Filas provides for nascent enterprises are, for example, 8 million euro POR FESR grants for innovative start-ups and spin-offs worth and 20 million euro public budget Venture Capital Fund POR FESR I.3 which  participates in SMEs’ equity in collaboration with other private investors. To date, Regione Lazio’s Fund, managed by Filas, has closed 8 co-investments totalling 4.2 million euro and approved an additional 6 deals which will bring it to close a further 6 million euro, all of which have been approved and carried out with other private institutional investors and business angels.


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