Chupamobile launches a $45,000 prize contest for iOS and Android mobile developers


Press release

Chupamobile is launching a competition for Android and iOS app developers, aimed at discovering and rewarding new talents. The $45,000 prize will drive more developers to create and market app source code, bringing out the best of their creativity and coding skills. The 2013 Chupamobile App Developer Competition, sponsored by leading companies in the mobile industry, is starting on December 10th and will end on January 28th 2014.

Games, full apps and components are all welcome to the competition and will be reviewed by the Chupamobile team. Multiple submissions are accepted as well and will, of course, get more chances to win the prize. The $45,000 rewards will be assigned to the authors of the three best projects. Additionally, creators will also get 70% revenues on the sales generated by their products through Chupamobile.

“This is a big challenge for mobile developers, an opportunity to get great prizes and to showcase their projects on the largest online marketplace for mobile app source code. Every mobile developer should participate!”, says Stefano Argiolas, co-founder of Chupamobile.

A Special Social Prize will be drawn between all the developers who follow Chupamobile on Facebook and Twitter: They will get a chance to win $500 cash by sharing the competition page with the hashtag #Chupamobile2013 on their Facebook and Twitter profiles.

“With this competition, we want to attract the best iOS and Android developers around the World. We want everybody to join the competition, we are sure that there are many talents who deserve to be discovered and this is their chance to prove their skills and capabilities. Chupamobile is the right place to achieve this: in less than 2 years we have aggregated tens of thousands of developers, and some of them are already making thousands of dollars per week by selling their code on Chupamobile”, says Paolo De Santis, co-founder of Chupamobile.

The initiative is supported by key players in the mobile development and applications industry, including Revmob, MagicSolver, Kii and Appwiz who are the main sponsors, together with the Chupamobile media partners. The backing of this companies, makes the 2013 Chupamobile App Developer Competition an incredible opportunity for developers to get visibility and recognition.
Join the competition now! Submit your best app source code to Chupamobile marketplace before January 28th 2014, tag it with competition2013 and get your chance to win one of the prizes. You can read more about the 2013 Chupamobile App Developer Competition and become a Chupamobile member here. Good work and good luck!
Chupamobile is the 1st Marketplace for Mobile App Developers where they can exchange Source Code to build their Applications. It’s like Ebay for App Developers.


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