Breaking down barriers, indit360, bridges Italy to India

Calicut, India


With the portal, Italy and India are getting closer.

Indit360 is the first and unique dynamic portal for information and interaction of two communities – India and Italy. It is an interactive online platform where one can find fellow compatriot and useful information for person traveling among the two countries. indit360 news  discovers and categorizes the news of interest for the two communities.

Launched recently at the Milano-Bicocca University, at the presence of Rector Marcello Fontanesi and the Consul General of India in Italy, Mr.Sanjay Verma,  the new online initiative aims to foster the integration of the Indian community in Italy and Italian community in India.

“I have lived in Italy for more than 10 years and during that time I realized how difficult it was to integrate myself in a foreign country” said Payal Aggarwal, the young entrepreneur and founder of indit360. “When I tried to find news or programs, i will automatically chose Indian or English Channels and newspapers. These choices does not facilitate natural integration.  Where there are language barriers, foreign communities are marginal (unserved and underserved) to media. But with access to technology and project indit360, we can bring change. “

“indit360 is an International project , being developed in  Milan, Turin and Jaipur, and hosted on Amazon EC2 cloud server” said Fabio Biccari, General Manager of indit360 . “Currently, there are 5 people working in our company, and hope to reach 20 people, strengthening our development and marketing team by the end of 2013.”

The site is divided into several sections: indit NEWS, which uses an indit360 developed engine BIRBAL (Briliant-Information-Research-Bigdata-Algorithm) to collect real-time news from major international sources; INDITIANS, where one discovers and interacts with members of community; indit POINT, places of interest. Indian in  Italy and Italian in India; VIDEO; live channels, live streaming and video clips, and CONNEXN & Expert, the social networking area, where one builds a network of links and read posts from the experts.

“Our task was to design and implement BIRBAL, an engine to analyze data and power the news section – explained Professor Stella, who has been working since March on the project with his team at the University of Milano-Bicocca. – The system identifies, retrieves and categorizes news that are relevant to the two communities. According to our knowledge, this is the first time an informatics tool like this has been made available for the Italy-India community. It is a portal that radically changes the way we think of web users: no longer a simple selection of information, but a virtual square which, thanks to geolocation, one can interact with other people around them. “

official site here


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