BizWorld lands in Italy

BizWorld lands in Italy thanks to the birth of BizWorld Italia, a non profit foundation wanted by serial entrepreneur Adriano Marconetto (co-founder of Vitaminic, Electro Power Systems and ProxToMe) which includes in its Executive Board Mind the Bridge. The program teaches the basics of entrepreneurship, business and finance combined with critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.

The organization tries to innovate the italian school like a few other actors as Junior Achievement.


“Italian schools – says Marconetto (in picture) – do not foresee entrepreneurship and economics as subjects. Students does not understand the difference between price, cost, earning and profit. BizWorld Italia wants to fill this gap with a 15 hours course”.


“In Italy – explains Alberto Onetti, Chairman di Mind the Bridge – entrepreneurs are often considered as speculators and not as people that can create wealth and jobs. This is why we need to interest students and put them in the position to experiment how driving a business is fascinanting”.




How does it work? Italian students are divided into 4 companies, with each student taking on a leadership role to support the team in designing, manufacturing, marketing and selling the friendship bracelet. Students test their knowledge in maths, arts, music, italian and english. The program was tested for the first time in Turin by the school Alvaro Modigliani and results were excellent.





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