Best quotes from Techcrunch Italy

We did it!

At the first Italian edition of Techcrunch, yesterday 27th of September in Rome,  the italic start up ecosystem performed at its best, showing a country ready to compete globally:  smart startups, beautiful ideas, wise investors, all people speaking English fluently, a really great location although with heavy network problems (sigh!). Techcrunch Italy was attended by more than 1 thousand people (according to the official PR) and followed in streaming (good streaming, thanks Top-IX!) by really many others. Above all, the event confirmed that the climate in Italy is changing, that an innovation ecosystem exists, it has its own DNA and is gaining much self-awareness every day.



There were some winners among startups: the winner for the live pitching  was Atooma; the most loved by people Uribu, and Empathic, the winner of the Hackathon.


Below some of  quotes of the day.


VC invest in people, not in paper – Fadi Bishara, Black Box 

With Bizspark program Microsoft want to collaborate to bring down unemployment, helping startups and students. We want to give back something to society – Anders Nilsson, Director Developer and Platform, Microsoft Italia

It doesn’t really matter where you found a web startup, what matters is the product, MusixMatch has joined more than 10 mllions users worldwide – Max Ciociola, MusixMatch founder

Money is king  – Luigi Capello, investor and founder of EnLabs incubator

What r u fucking doing guys? stop chatting, do bp!!! – Roberto Bonanzinga, Partner, Balderton

This is a special moment, Italy is a great opportunity at the moment for international investors – Enrico Gasperini, Digital Magics

Keep thinking, go abroad! – Riccardo Zacconi, founder of

I think that the expansion of Google adv worldwide has great impact even on Italian media, we should think about it  – Andrea Pezzi, founder of OVO

The best startup success is always something unexpected – Roberto Bonanzinga, Partner, Balderton

Investments go to startups with a global market perspective – Fadi Bishara, Black Box





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