Barbara Labate of Risparmio Super wins in Paris the Lady Pitch Night


Barbara Labate founder of Risparmio Super won few days ago in Paris the 3rd edition of the Lady Pitch Night (we talked about here), the competition for European female-founded startups presented by Girls in Tech and Orange



Barbara Labate with Risparmio Super was preferred among others for her interesting business and energy. The  second winner is Sabine Safi with 1001pharmacies.
The 5 finalists for this years event were invited to Paris to pitch before a panel of expert judges, including:

Gilles Babinet (France’s Digital Champion and serial entrepreneur)
Aninna Svensson (Google, ex-Spotify)
Marion Moreau (FrenchWeb)
Olivier Ezratty (Innovation Strategy Consultant)
Marie-Christine Levet (Jaina Capital)
Samantha Jérusalmy, (Girls in Tech & Elaia Partners)
Pascal Latouche (Orange)

Risparmio Super startup was selected as this year’s winner from over 50 applicants coming from 10 different European countries, including France, the UK, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Switzerland,  Finland and Hungary.
In order to qualify for the competition, all startups had to have at least one female in the founding team, be less than 3 years old, developing a technology product and with their headquarter based in a European country.  This year’s finalists included:

BoxCryptor (Germany) 
1001pharmacies (France) 
Risparmio Super (Italy) 
Book a Street Artist (Portugal)
CoolBrandz (Switzerland) 

This annual event organized by Girls in Tech and Orange in its Innovation Gardens strives to give female entrepreneurs in the tech space more visibility. The winning team walked away with a number of exclusive prizes including two tickets to LeWeb London, a copy of Sheryl Sandberg’s book ‘Lean In’ and an Orange 4G pack. “This year, the concepts where very diverse, both in terms of sector of activity and distribution model, and all strat ups had well developped porposals” says Nathalie Boulanger, Vice-Président Innovation, France Télécom-Orange.

Risparmio Super, founded also by the Italo-Israeli online expert Zion Nahum, raised asince now bout 1 M in seed and early stage investment from Italian investors such as Zernicke Meta Venture, LVenture, SiamoSoci.

Its mission is helping consumers save up on their daily shopping, giving them a friendly tool to compare grocery store online and offline product prices all over Italy,



It ‘s been great to attend the Lady Pitch Night – Barbara told to Startupbusiness – There was a beautiful location and a great atmosphere, a jury very valuable and other interesting startups, of different nationalities. I was really happy to get positive feedbacks for the work we are doing at Risparmio Super, this appreciation has a great value to us.


Are you planning to internationalize Risparmio Super?

“We’d like to, but not immediately. At the moment, international events like the Lady Pitch Night are good occasions to test the interest for our solution and allows us to verify if Risparmio Super model is the right one also in other contexts. In addition, we can get international visibility, which is useful in order to reach new international investors to support our plans of expansion! ”  

Today, Risparmio Super has a team of 13 persons, mostly committed on product development, and headquarters in Catania and Milano.

Girls in Tech Italy, Italian chatpter of Girls in Tech, supported in the country the promotion on the Lady Pitch Night. 

“We are really glad to see an Italian woman winning an European event like the Lady Pitch Night, and we do our congratulations to Barbara Labate – said Anna Sargian, Managing Director of GiT Italy – I must say that we were not very surprised because Barbara is very good entrepreneur and she can also perform great pitches!  Today Italian women who make tech entrepreneurship are still too few and certainly an example as Barbara Labate can give great inspiration to many other young women. “



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