“We did the opposite of what is recommended in manuals for start-uppers: we did not even write a business plan, nor prepared an elevator pitch. But don’t try this at home!” Marco Bocola, 32 years old, a degree in sociology at Catholic University in Milan; his occupation? Maker. And entrepreneur. He is […]
Earlybird announced the closing of its fourth fund valued 100 Usd millions. The news is important because shows how in Europe the hype of the innovation is high and it is also important for Italy where Earlybird is closing its local fund to invest specifically in Italy based innovative startups. following the press note distributed by Earlybird […]
Informazione pubblicitaria
Giovanni Daprà, milanese, Laurea in Finanza all’Università Bocconi, Master alla Cass Business School a Londra dove ha ottenuto un MSc in Finanza Quantitativa. Ha iniziato a lavorare per Deutsche Bank AG nella divisione Global Market occupandosi di transazioni strategiche con le Banche Italiane, dove ha collaborato come Associato fino al Dicembre 2010. Quando capisce che “da […]
Arabnet digital summit was wrapped up on Saturday following five days of excessive talks, panels and workshops at Habtoor Hotel in Beirut. During Forum Day 2, a panel was organized to discuss building a digital hub in Lebanon. The panel, moderated by Cleartag CEO Tarek Dajani, included Dr.Saad Andary, Vice Governor of the Central Bank […]
Arabnet digital summit was wrapped up on Saturday following five days of excessive talks, panels and workshops at Habtoor Hotel in Beirut. During Forum Day 2, a panel was organized to discuss building a digital hub in Lebanon. The panel, moderated by Cleartag CEO Tarek Dajani, included Dr.Saad Andary, Vice Governor of the Central […]
Più che un evento BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottles) dovrebbe essere definito BYOS, cioè Bring Your Own Startup. Giunto al quarto appuntamento milanese grazie a Marco Ottolini, imprenditore seriale della new economy, che ha pensato bene di portare il format made in UK (1 speech – networking – pitch) anche in Italia, StartuppaMI dello scorso giovedì 29 marzo ha confermato l’interesse crescente per il networking […]
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