Adv moving up 50%, Italy mobile to challenge

In 2011 almost half of the 100 top spenders in Italian mobile advertising has developed at least one application. The Mobile Advertising has increased by 50%, from 38 to 56 million euros, equal to 5% of the total market ADV on the Internet. Within 2 years, it is expected to overcome the 10% of the share. Outstanding, with an increase of 81%, the automotive sector, which undermines bank-finance-insurance sectors.

The investment data reflect promising prospects and draw a country ready for international challenge. 42.5% of the population is connected over a network using mobile broadband, more of the European cousins (38.5%); Mobile users navigate more and more often, 50% do it every day and the time spent on Mobile devices grew by almost 30% compared to 2010.

 Italians like to chat. Maybe that’s why mobile devices have recorded since their emergence such a strong success cross the entire population, regardless of social status. Italians also love to surf the web, use social networks and, with increasing frequency, making online purchases through the phone.

This is demonstrated by the data presented in the research “Mobile Marketing & Service: finally acceleration” sponsored by the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano (

“The important growth of Mobile Advertising is just one of the positive developments that have been photographed by the research – comments Andrea Boaretto, chief analist – The 2011 can be seen, in fact,  the year  of the Mobile awareness for brands,  since they finally value Mobile devices as a channel relationship with consumers. It can be considered outdated, therefore, the barrier of distrust of the opportunities offered by the medium that had characterized the market dynamics of recent years. “

Even just having a look at data on users, it is clear that the mobile ecosystem is structurally ready and how Italy can finally play a key role at the international level.

The penetration of the Smartphone has reached 20 million users, the figure is equivalent to 42% of the total owners of mobile phones, equal to the average Western European countries and higher than the U.S. average of 39% (Source: comScore, November 2011). In terms of diffusion of mobile broadband, we maintain the primacy of the average of the top 5 Western European countries (42.5% against 38.5% of the population – Source: OECD, June 2011), while LTE networks are coming and will allow to exceed the 100 Mbps.

As for the fruition of the medium, a quantitative survey conducted by the Centre in collaboration with Doxa also shows that 50% of users surf every day for an average time of 45 minutes. Over 50% do so mainly from home  16% from school or office, only 17% in mobility.

The 44% of users mostly exploits  Wi-Fi connections, a figure that rises to 63% if we consider only the very young (16-24 years).

The Doxa survey also revealed that mobile users, according to their attitude towards the medium, can be grouped in cluster:  34% of cases, they are “monkey” type (or social fun) that plunge into the mobile Internet especially ti have fun;  the 24% of cases are “rooster” type (or all-conscious), which adhere to the Mobile Internet with awareness and enthusiasm; the 23% is represented by the types “sheep” (or be careful), the ones who move cautiously in the mobile Internet;  and then 19% is populated by “hedgehogs” (or outsider) actually still without a precise point of view.

Some more data.

The mobile advertising market, namely the corporate investments in advertising on the mobile channel, is in fact increased by 50%, from 38 to 56 million euros, equal to about 5% of total Internet advertising market.

Industries that invest more in Mobile Advertising (excluding companies that sell mobile content) are: automotive industry (up 81%),  that undermines from the podium banking-finance-insurance fund historical leaders (up 22%). The entertainment-media-publishing remains constant in third place while growing less than the market average, followed by electronics and computer science, which, with a growth rate of almost 150%, up two places compared to 2010. In fifth place tourism (+55%) who loses a position, while the consumer (+246%) up from tenth to sixth place. Rounding out the rankings: retail (+129%), clothing and accessories (+80%), institutions and instruction (+64%) and Telecommunications (+62%).

Among the most used advertising formats, the wind blows on investment in Display – Applications and Mobile site – and Keyword Advertising (which together grow at a rate 3-digit): in this context a strong stimulus to growth was represented by Google and Ad-networks.

For the first time, even for companies that are different from Brand Mobile Content, Display and Keyword formats exceed advertising distributed through messaging services(SMS and MMS).

Finally, next to the standard format,  new Rich Media formats (non-standard formats, high-impact visibility, such as video banners in full screen) are emerging and are improving the attractiveness for investors more conservative that so far didn’t realize the potential that new mobile device can offer in terms of graphics and screen size.


Some graphics.









(from press release, for more information or data or send an email to [email protected])


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