Italian incubators at the top of the world with PoliHub and I3P

The PoliHub (Milan)  is one of the five best university incubators in the world. I3P (Turin) is at the top of the “public incubators” category. Another Italian presence to be registered among the Top Challengers in Europe is that of NaStartup (Naples). The international recognition to Italian ‘startup factories’ comes from Doha, Qatar, where the World Incubation Summit just ended with the presentation of the “UBI Global World Rankings of Business Incubators and Accelerators 2019 – 2020”. Since 2013, the UBI Global World Benchmark has evaluated more than 600 business incubators and accelerators, uncovering best practices and helping programs improve and become more competitive. UBI Global has built an extensive community across more than 70 countries and releases unique world rankings of top-performing incubation and acceleration programs. “We work tirelessly towards supporting innovation worldwide. We found the same passion in Qatar Development Bank and are proud to partner with them towards that goal”, says Ali Amin, CEO, and co-founder of UBI Global. Six categories were awarded in Doha this year: Top University Business Incubator; Top Private Business Incubator; Top Corporate Business Incubator; Top Public Business Accelerator; Top Private Business Accelerator; Top Corprate Business Accelerator. The PoliHub, the business incubator of the Politecnico di Milano, was fourth in the University Business Incubator, where there is the largest number of participants. I3P, the incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, was instead first in the new category of Public Business Accelerator. Here you can see all the rankings of UBI Global – Rankings 2019-2020 and the valuation method.  

PoliHub in the Top Five of university incubators

To arrive at the UBI rankings, 1580 initiatives were analysed, 591 took part in the comparison and 364 from 78 countries in the world reached the final. The evaluation takes into consideration the economic impact that the incubation program is able to generate for its ecosystem; the value for incubated startups, related to the advantages and quality of services offered by the incubation program; the ability of the incubation program to attract financial support from investors for incubated startups. The PoliHub thus repeats last year’s success in Toronto. The Milanese incubator, which is based in Campus Bovisa, has been especially recognized by the evaluators of UBI the value generated by the incubated startups and the impact that they have had in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. “Participating in initiatives like this is fundamental because it is the international comparison that makes the difference for those who do a job like ours”, is the first comment by Stefano Mainetti, CEO of PoliHub, who in Doha received the award with General Manager Claudia Pingue. “Thanks to the Politecnico di Milano, the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, the dream team of PoliHub and, above all, the community of startups who, with their business results, have allowed us to be, for the third consecutive edition in the Top 5 world”. The best university incubator in the world is the British SETSquared, the incubator created by the alliance between the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Southampton and Surrey. In addition to PoliHub, the Top 5 is completed by the Canadian DMZ of Ryerson University in Toronto, the Turkish İTÜ Çekirdek of İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi and the Dutch YES!Delft of Delft University of Technology.  

I3P at the top of the Public Incubators

The other Italian presence at the World Incubation Summit was that of I3P, the incubator of the Politecnico di Torino founded in 1999 and rated as the best in the new category of Public Incubators. “This award, which came in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of I3P, has a very important value: it testifies to the great work done jointly by our entrepreneurs, partners, partners, mentors and staff of the Incubator,” says Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. “I would like to thank all of them for creating a positive environment for innovative start-ups, thanks to which each of them can benefit from growing opportunities with all the actors of the ecosystem, from the industrial to the financial world”. (original source in Italian language EconomyUp)


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