The best public incubator worldwide is the Italian I3P

Indice degli argomenti

I3P, the Innovative Business Incubator of the Politecnico di Torino, has been recognized as the Best University Public Incubator on a global scale according to the UBI Global World Rankings of Business Incubators and Accelerators 2019 – 2020, the most important ranking on university affiliated incubation and acceleration programs drawn up by UBI Global, which in 2019 analyzed 364 programs at a global level. Since 2013, the Swedish independent association UBI Global has been measuring the performance of university incubators: according to the ranking, I3P has proved to be the best performing incubator according to some important parameters such as the size of the portfolio of startups accepted and business plans followed, the performance of the startups in terms of fund raising and the value generated for the ecosystem in which the incubator operates. “This award, which came in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of I3P, has a very important value: it testifies to the great work done jointly by our entrepreneurs, partners, mentors and Incubator staff. I would like to thank all of them for creating a positive environment for innovative start-ups, thanks to which each of them can benefit from growing opportunities with all the actors of the ecosystem, from the industrial to the financial world”, says Giuseppe Scellato, President of I3P. “Our strength lies also in the continuous interaction with the Polytechnic of Turin, which represents the main pool of technical and scientific expertise for the development of incubated start-ups and allows access to highly qualified human resources. The results of the ranking reflect the good performance of the companies supported by I3P: in the first months of 2019 the startups supported in recent years have raised total seed and early investments for 13 million Euros, reaching about 90 million Euros of aggregate post-money value. Our commitment is to continue to operate as a platform that generates value for startups through both direct support for the definition of development strategies, and through partnerships with leading interlocutors in the industrial world and the entrepreneurial finance sector. I believe that this recognition – concluded Scellato – helps to highlight the potential of the local innovation system, which has all the characteristics to attract new entrepreneurial projects with a high technological intensity to the territory”.

About I3P

I3P, founded in 1999, is one of the first public incubator in Italy and it is linked to the Polytechnic of Turin. Nowdays it is a joint-stock company owned by Politecnico di Torino, Fondazione LINKS, Torino Chamber of Commerce, Finpiemonte, Città Metropolitana di Torino and Torino Wireless Foundation. Its mission is to support innovative and high tech startups and spinoffs , with the aim of generating economic development and employment in innovative industrial chains. I3P adopts a strategy of collaboration with private subjects and institutions, engaged in research and advanced training, in services for technology transfer, in the financing of innovation, in internationalisation. I3P has supported startups like : ComehomeEpicuraNitoMidoriErmes Cyber SecurityEnerbrain.

UBI Global Ranking

The ranking examined 364 incubation programmes in 78 countries around the world, identifying the best incubators and accelerators in 6 different categories, recognising their exceptional performance in promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. “Following a rigorous data-based approach, we evaluated and compared incubation programs around the world,” said Holger Meyer, director of research at UBI Global. “Our World Benchmark Study 2019 – 2020 tells the multiple facets of the international incubation ecosystem and illustrates the main challenges and opportunities faced by the participating programmes. The evaluation considered: the economic impact that the incubation program is able to generate for its ecosystem; the value to incubated startups, related to the benefits and quality of services offered by the incubation program; the ability of the incubation program to attract financial support from investors for incubated startups. The award was presented at the 2019 World Summit on Incubation held in Doha, Qatar, on November 6, hosted by the Qatar Development Bank. UBI Global is an innovation intelligence company and community, founded in 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden to identify where innovation hubs were located worldwide and to learn and share what makes them successful. It conducts the World Benchmark Study biennially for business incubators and accelerators and helps programs with assessment, best practices, and recognition.  


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