Child Explorer, a wearable for children to innovate insurance

One of the problems of families with school-aged children, especially those living in urban environments and large cities, is how to help them to be more autonomous in their mobility. Send children to school alone or even just at a friend’s neighborhood home, for example, is for most of today’s parents almost a taboo. Concerns are many and all legitimate, about the ability of children to orient themselves or to pay attention to traffic, as well as to recognize potentially dangerous situations. It is however necessary for children to grow up to acquire this type of autonomy and to freely move, on foot or by bicycle, to counteract the tendency to sedentary life and obesity.

This new kind of need has been dealt by Enbelive, a social vocation startup that has developed Child Explorer, a solution that includes a web platform, a mobile application, and a gamification system that, in partnership with MoveTime Track & Talk Watch (a kind of smart watch developed in partnership with Alcatel) improves the autonomy of children’s movement and their awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

Designed for children between 5 and 11, Enbelive Child Explorer has won the Open-F@b Call4Ideas 2015 edition in the category Internet of Things and Big Data. Following this prize, Child Explorer was selected in 2016 by Turin City Council’s for “Turin Living Lab” initiative and, in 2016, for the Civic Crowd Funding in Milan, thus having access to the public crowd funding campaign on Eppela, ended positively with a collection of € 10,000 for 50% covered by the Municipality of Milan.

Over the years, collaboration with BNP Paribas Cardif has continued.

“Work with BNP Paribas Cardif has been intense and aimed at finding a way to integrate Child Explorer product (or service) into insurance and service solutions.  – says Alessandra Nucci, one of the founders and CEO of the company – We are working on imagining family care services that go from babysitting to a taxi in the event of a parent’s accident or illness, from medical care h24 to child prevention and protection solutions against cyber bullying such as controlling and blocking websites and social media.”

Since July 2017, Child Explorer is on the market thanks to an exclusive agreement for the sale and distribution of Child Explorer. “Even the agreement with MamyClub to promote Child Explorer to their customer base that counts 7,000 moms in Milan has been significant to make us known. – Alessandra Nucci says again – We have also improved and evolved from the technological point of view, collaborating with HelpCodeLive srl we have transformed the smart watch into a certified medical device thanks to the HCL QRCode on the wristband, a real health folder complete with all the child data (blood group, emergency numbers, allergies, etc.) useful in case of rescue.”

For the future, the wishes of the company are so great and focused on family well-being.

“Enbelive’s will is to expand the number of Child Explorer services in order to cover the needs of all family members. – Alessandra Nucci said – Offering serenity is our goal through family monitoring and security services. For us it is important that the family group, intended in its wider meaning, parents, children, grandparents, pets, etc. can support and be supported even when far from each other, thus increasing serenity, autonomy and trust”.

    –originally pubblished on InsuranceUp


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