Practical Startup Ecosystem Guide in Milan: Co-working Spaces

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Co-working spaces is an important segment for a city’s startup ecosystem. Co-working spaces are vital for the development of the startup ecosystem of Milan. Their core offering is office space for startups, freelancers and specific large corporation innovative departments in the startup ecosystem of Milan. Co-working spaces in Milan enable a lot of networking and contamination due to many businesses hosted in the co-working spaces and also that many co-working spaces host many events.

Milan has a large variety of co-working spaces, which has added a lot of value to the startup ecosystem of Milan and has provided good exposure for the city’s startup ecosystem. In Milan, some large companies have based some of their innovative departments teams in some of the larger co-working spaces (for example Generali at Copernico 38 Milano Centrale or Skoda at Talent Garden). The entrance of some large companies innovative departments in co-working spaces has enabled these large corporations to get more involved in the city’s startup ecosystem.

Roles of the segment:

  The main role of co-working spaces in Milan is to provide office spaces for startups. They allow affordable office space for startups, freelancers and large companies.  Co-working spaces have the important role for the startup ecosystem of hosting workshops, meet-ups, master classes, networking events, and hackathons which enables networking and contamination.  

Number of players in the segment:

  In the Milan startup ecosystem there are more than 60 co-working spaces. The largest co-working spaces in Milan are Copernico which has four co-working spaces, Talent Garden which has two co-working spaces in Milan, and the co-working space, Impact Hub Milano. The largest network of co-working spaces in one network in Milan is called Coworking Project by Cowo, which has 33 co-working spaces.  The co-working spaces in Milan have different styles and offer different services which enables a diverse variety of co-working spaces in Milan, some which have quite a formal style and there are others which have an informal style.  

Co-working Spaces in Milan (Alphabetical Order):

  Name: Barra A Brief Description: A professional co-working space that offers two co-working spaces, the Hangar and 61/A. The co-working spaces can be used for a day, month, 3 month, 6 month and year period and offers a large variety of services. Website:   Name: BASE Brief Description: Buro is the name of BASE’s modern co-working space. Buro offers three types of co-working spaces, a desk area in an open space for a mimimum of 6 month contract, a studio for a minimum of a year and a hot desk that can be used for a few hours to a few days. Website:   Name: Blend Tower Milano Brief Description: This modern innovative co-working space is a few steps from Milan Central Station. This 11 story building is a high-tech co-working space that offers advanced technology and flexible, functional co-working spaces. Blend Tower Milano is a part of the Copernico co-working space network. Website:   Name: Clubhouse Brera Brief Description: This stylish co-working space is located in the area of Brera. This co-working space is comprised of a membership club, café bistro, meeting room, office suite, events area and garden. Clubhouse Brera is a part of the Copernico co-working space network. Website:   Name: Coffice Brief Description: Coffice is a co-working space that is paid by the hour. The co-working space can be utilized as a place to work, study, play and share projects and passions with friends. Website:   Name: CommonWork Brief Description: CommonWork is a coworking Space based in North of Milan (Niguarda) well connected by city centre and hinterland thanks to the closeness to the Greco Pirelli station, and the main public services (metro, bus, tram). We host freelance and startup in a shared space or private office. We provide meeting rooms, internet connection, printing machines, phone line, storage area and other services. Our community  is invited to partecipate at our events, workshop and parties. Website:    Name: Copernico Milano Centrale Brief Description: One of the largest co-working spaces in Milan, Copernico Milano Centrale occupies 6/8 levels in two attached buildings and offers offices, co-working spaces, meeting rooms, conference rooms, event spaces, a bar and a restaurant. Copernico Milano Centrale has a variety of different sized startups, freelances and departments of large corporations. It offers one of the most prominent event spaces in Milan for networking and contamination in the city’s startup ecosystem. It is a part of the Copernico co-working space network. Website:   Name: Copernico 33 Tortona Brief Description: This newly opened co-working space is located in the Fashion/Design  District of Milan, Tortona. This co-working space is a part of the Copernico co-working space network. Website:   Name: Coworking Login Brief Description: Coworking Login is a large 1,450 square meters co-working space that offers over 150 seats. Coworking Login is an innovative co-working space for freelancers, startups and large corporations. Website:   Name: Coworking Project by Cowo (33 Co-working Spaces in the network) Brief Description: Coworking Project by Cowo has 33 co-working spaces in the network, which is the largest network in Milan. Check the website for the list of co-working spaces in Milan. Website:   Name: Coworking T31 Brief Description: This co-working space is located at Santeria Social Club at Viale Toscana 31. It offers desk space and meeting room rental for startups and freelancers. Website:   Name: Donatello Coworking Brief Description: Donatello Coworking is a co-working space that offers 350 square meters of desks and private offices for digital freelancers and startups. Donatello Coworking is located in the area of Città Studi. Website:   Name: FabriQ Brief Description: FabriQ is a co-working space for social impact startups, environmental startups and cultural startups. FabriQ co-working space is run by the Comune di Milano. Website:   Name: Fashion Technology Accelerator Brief Description: A specialized co-working space for fashion and technology freelancers and startups. Fashion Technology Accelerator co-working space is located in the fashion/design district of Tortona and offers meeting rooms, desks and a variety of services. Website:   Name: Freelancer’s Island Brief Description: Freelancer’s Island co-working space is a co-working space for creative and developer freelancers. Freelancer’s Island is located in Isola and offers specialized creative services such as its laboratory. Website:   Name: IF: Idea Factory Brief Description: A co-working space for creative professionals that offers a variety of packages. There are three co-working spaces in this network in Milan. Website:   Name: Impact HUB Milano Brief Description: Impact HUB Milano co-working space hosts environmental and social impact startups and freelancers. This large co-working space in Milan is a part of an international network of co-working spaces in which many entrepreneurs and creative professionals can work and network. The co-working space also has its own incubator. Website:   Name: inCOWORK Brief Description: inCOWORK has a network of five co-working spaces in Milan that brings together startups and freelancers. Website:   Name: INDIEHUB Brief Description: INDIEHUB is a co-working facility that is focused on music. This experimental co-working space is the first co-working dedicated to music in Milan. It offers specialized services to artists and startups such as its own recording studio. Website:   Name: IULM Innovation Lab Co-working Space. Brief Description: IULM Innovation Lab is a business accelerator offered by the IULM University. The IULM Innovation Lab offers access to its modern co-working space. Website:   Name: Midesk Brief Description: Midesk offers short and long term rents. The co-working space offers fully furnished offices, receptionist, support staff and meeting rooms. Website:   Name: Navigli Working Factory Brief Description: Navigli Working Factory is a large co-working space that offers short term and long term co-working rentals, professional meeting room, a large variety of tech services and covered parking. Website:   Name: Open Brief Description: Open is a modern co-working space that incorporates desks for hourly use, daily use, monthly use and yearly use. This dog friendly co-working space hosts a variety of startups and freelancers. Website:   Name: Piano C Type: Brief Description: Piano C is a co-working space that offers startups and freelancers desk space, a babysitting service, training and time-saving services. Website:   Name: Polihub Brief Description: Polihub is run by Politecnico di Milano and is part of its large innovation district. Polihub offers a co-working space for startups and innovative departments of corporations and offers a variety of business services and utilities services. Website:   Name: Qf Milano Brief Description: Qf Milano offers a variety of co-working space deals, meeting room, baby sitting services, creative workships, renting for private events, meetings and courses and services such as tax advice. Website:   Name: Spaces Brief Description: Spaces in an international network originally funded in Amsterdam that recently opened in Milan in Porta Nuova district, it offers dedicated offices, meeting rooms as long as a co-working space. Website:   Name: Speed Mi Up Brief Description: Speed Mi Up, the incubator and accelerator offers a modern co-working space that is located at Bocconi University. Speed Mi Up offers startups coworking space and offers a large variety of specialized business services and utilities services. Website:   Name: Startmiup – StartMiUp@ Copernico Milano Centrale Brief Description: StartMiUp offers a co-working space within Copernico 38 near Milan Central Station. This co-working space offers desk space, meeting room hire and services to startups and freelancers. Website:   Name: Talent Garden Calabiana Brief Description: Talent Garden Calabiana is one of the biggest co-working spaces in Milan. It is a modern co-working space that offers 8,500 square meters. Talent Garden Calabiana is a part of an international network of co-working spaces. The co-working space offers spaces and services, events and an innovative community. Website:   Name: Talent Garden Merano Brief Description: Talent Garden Merano is a modern co-working space that offers 1,700 square meters. Talent Garden Merano is a part of the Talent Garden network. It is one of two Talent Garden co-working spaces in Milan. Website:   Name: Upcycle Brief Description: Upcycle is a casual co-working space that offers seat space to work for a day. Website:   Name: Work On – Lambrate 11 Brief Description: Located in the area of Lambrate, this co-working space offers desk space for startups and freelancers, consulting for basic ICT, fixed phones and meeting rooms. Website:   Name: Yoroom Brief Description: Yoroom is a contemporary co-working space that offers startups and freelancers desks. Yoroom offers an array of tech services and utilities services to startups and freelancers. Website:   Co-working spaces play a vital role for a city’s startup ecosystem. The large amount of co-working spaces that are offered in Milan play an important role in the startup ecosystem of Milan. The large variety of co-working spaces in Milan offer different styles and different services to cater to many startups needs, freelancers needs and corporates needs. The co-working spaces in Milan offer affordable office space for startups, freelancers and large companies, play an important role in enabling networking and contamination and offer education and training.   Contributor:  Adam Bregu Source: A model to enable the analysis, mapping, understanding and development of a city’s startup ecosystem. Practical application of the model on the startup ecosystem of Milan. Adam Bregu,  Bocconi University, 2017.  


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