Sharing economy, le linee guida della Commissione Europea

Dopo il paper pubblicato lo scorso aprile,  Commissione Europea ha pubblicato le linee guida relative alla sharing economy ( o economia collaborativa) scaricabili su questa pagina, il documento si compone di “A European agenda for the collaborative economy” e di un’analisi.

The collaborative economy creates new opportunities for consumers and entrepreneurs. The Commission considers that it can therefore make an important contribution to jobs and growth in the European Union, if encouraged and developed in a responsible manner. Driven by innovation, new business models have a significant potential to contribute to competitiveness and growth. The success of collaborative platforms are at times challenging for existing market operators and practices, but by enabling individual citizens to offer services, they also promote new employment opportunities, flexible working arrangements and new sources of income. For consumers, the collaborative economy can provide benefits through new services, an extended supply, and lower prices. It can also encourage more asset-sharing and more efficient use of resources, which can contribute to the EU’s sustainability agenda and to the transition to the circular economy.

Nei documenti, che manifestano il favore della EC per la sharing economy, si individuano opportunità e benefici dell’economia collaborativa, le sfide e l’impatto, e si aupica una regolamentazione light e armonizzata tra gli Stati, che possa supportare e agevolare il rafforzamento di questo modello economico che crea valore e posti di lavoro. Nell’analisi presenti anche diversi dati del mercato europeo. Ecco un altro estratto:

Reducing administrative burden Economic growth is best supported by measures that aim to reduce the administrative burden on individuals and businesses without discriminating between business models. To this end, an efficient exchange of tax-related information amongst platforms, authorities and service providerscan help reducing costs. The creation of one-stop shops and the development of online feedback mechanisms can also create new possibilities for partnerships and compliance monitoring. However, different approaches by national tax authorities toward the treatment of platforms can increase the administrative burden on collaborative activities. These may include different views on the business scope of platforms with respect to the services they provide; the criteria used to link their activities to a tax jurisdiction, the employment relationship between services providers and platforms, as well as general compliance requirements and auditing procedures. The development of commonly agreed standards to tackle these issues in a coherent manner, taking into account the elements clarified in the previous sections of this Communication, as well as moving more administration online, could help in this respect.

  Molto interessante una tabella (documento di analisi, pag 43) in cui sono riportate le azioni intraprese da diversi Stati in relazione alle attività di sharing economy.  


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