New economy, la valuta di scambio è la fiducia

L’economia della condivisione è in pieno boom, alimentato dallo sharing di automobili, appartamenti, competenze. Rachel Botsman, guru della new economy e della sharing economy, esplora la valuta di scambio che rende i sistemi come Airbnb e TaskRabbit: la fiducia, l’influenza, e quello che lei chiama il “capitale reputazione”. Now, as many of you know, Airbnb is a peer-to-peer marketplace that matches people who have space to rent with people who are looking for a place to stay in over 192 countries. The places being rented out are things that you might expect, like spare rooms and holiday homes, but part of the magic is the unique places that you can now access: treehouses, teepees, airplane hangars, igloos. If you don’t like the hotel, there’s a castle down the road that you can rent for 5,000 dollars a night. It’s a fantastic example of how technology is creating a market for things that never had a marketplace before….But the real magic and the secret source behind collaborative consumption marketplaces like Airbnb isn’t the inventory or the money. It’s using the power of technology to build trust between strangers…. …You know, there are only a few windows in history where the opportunity exists to reinvent part of how our socioeconomic system works. We’re living through one of those moments. I believe that we are at the start of a collaborative revolution that will be as significant as the Industrial Revolution. In the 20th century, the invention of traditional credit transformed our consumer system, and in many ways controlled who had access to what. In the 21st century, new trust networks, and the reputation capital they generate, will reinvent the way we think about wealth, markets, power and personal identity, in ways we can’t yet even imagine. Chi è Rachel Botsman E’ stata definita il guru della sharing economy, ha coniato la frase “consumo collaborativo“. E’ autrice, insieme a Roo Rogers, del libro What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption. Scrive, parla e fa consulenza sul potere della collaborazione e dello sharing attraverso i network e la tecnologia e di come queste cose trasformeranno il business, il nostro modo di consumare e le nostre vite. E’ anche fondatrice di  The Collaborative Lab, un incubatore innovativo che lavora con startup, grandi aziende, e governi per lo sviluppo e realizzazione di nuove soluzioni basate sui concetti del “consumo collaborativo”. La rivista Monocle la considera uno dei 20 miglior speaker al mondo, i suoi video dei Ted Talk sono tra i più visualizzati di sempre. Questo è il suo sito. 


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