Pitching Hacks

Pitching Hacks è un ebook gratuito, realizzato da Venture Hacks (grande risorsa online per una serie di informazioni collegate allo startup e al funding). 83 pagine di suggerimenti da prendere in considerazione prima di avvicinare degli investitori. Qui puoi scaricare Pitching Hacks gratuitamente. Gli argomenti trattati sono: Traction What is traction? Traction speaks louder than words Introductions Why do I need an introduction? Who makes the best introductions? Who makes the worst introductions? How do I get an introduction? What should I send middlemen? Use AngelList & StartupList High-Concept Pitches  What’s a high-concept pitch? What makes a good high-concept pitch? Why should I write a high-concept pitch? Aren’t high-concept pitches too simple? From incoherent to high-concept Elevator Pitches What’s an elevator pitch? Why should I craft an elevator pitch? Dissecting the elevator pitch Elevator pitches with bullets Decks What’s a deck? The best deck template in the universe Tell a story with the slides Format your deck Business Plans A sales pitch is not a business plan NDAs Can I get investors to sign an NDA? Pros and cons to sending a deck Your deck can get in the hands of the competition When to send a deck


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