La gestione legale e amministrativa di base della startup

How to start a startup series Lecture 18 – Legal and Accounting Basics for Startups (Kirsty Nathoo, Carolynn Levy) There’s a lot that goes behind the scenes in running a startup. Getting the legal, finance (equity allocation, vesting), accounting, and other overhead right will save you a lot of pain in the long run. Kirsty Nathoo, CFO at Y Combinator, and Carolynn Levy, General Counsel at Y Combinator, cover these very important topics in this lecture. ….You also probably know that a startup will have assets, IP, inventions, other things, and that the company needs to protect those. So we’ll talk a bit more about that and about raising money, hiring employees, and entering into contracts. There are a few other things that you need to talk about when setting up your company which ferret out a few issues amongst founders. Who’s going to be in charge? How much equity is everybody going to own? …. Full transcription here 


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