Flying car, NASA panel and dancing robots – what happens when science meets technology

Pioneers Festival kicked off 3 years ago and today it is one of the most outstanding technology and entrepreneurship celebrations, showcasing human potentiality and under-covered technological advancement.   This year it had to fulfill all the interests coming from different ecosystem groups and sectors: from the festival opening with  ‘human versus robot’ dance, it continued to the Flying car premier, music coding, biotech updates, the ultimate film making drone showcase, space innovation panel with NASA and never tiresome discussions on the European venture capital. One of the major festival’s participants group – entrepreneurs: future, starting ones and experts. Startup boom is creating thousands of wanterpreneurs day by day and it’s not surprising as there are many bright examples to get inspired by.  Let’s look at the several ones from the Festival. Today named the world’s most advanced flying car, AeroMobil 3.0, was unveiled a few days ago at Pioneers Festival and became a bright startup story starting with a boy’s dream of making impossible while working in a garage. The difficulty, which many disruptive ideas are facing, is making a new technology to be easily applicable in the current environment. This is what AeroMobil 3.0 team has managed pretty well – the care is capable of using an existing infrastructure for automobiles and planes, considering a natural factor of having a little extra space for both, taking off and getting back on land. Another example reminds that disruptive innovation is born not only within the heavy tech sector. Pioneers Festival Startup Challenge received over 1K startup application from 63+ countries and the winner of TOP 8, Oradian, focuses on finance in emerging markets. The multinational startup’s team is developing a microfinance system together with a platform that allows an easy use of microfinance management.     LINKS: AeroMobil 3.0 – Oradian – Pioneers Festival –   CONTRIBUTOR: Rasa Strumskyte @Rasa_Ona PHOTO CREDITS: Arthur Bulota (    


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