Spin off WIN raises 800 thousand euros


With its innovative wireless solutions for the healthcare sector WIN (Wireless Integrated Network – http://www.winmed.it) raises 800 thousand euros of investment from a group of business angel members of Italian Angels for Growth (http: / / www.italianangels.net) and sgr SICI managing the Innovation Fund Tuscany (http://www.fondisici.it).

With the new capital, this innovative Italian startup will pursue business development in Italy, Europe, USA, Canada, but also additional R & D in order to strengthen the intellectual property and then the value of the company.

For the young President of WIN Antonio Mazzeo “The investement of Italian Angels for Growth  and SICI is a recognition for our business idea, but also for our expertise. The new corporate structure and the presence on the board of directors of Eng. IAG Antonio Leone, one of the most famous managers in the biomedical field, there will undoubtedly speed up the achievement of our objectives in the medium and long term development of the company,  even in a difficult moment for the current economic crisis, and be ready to attack the short-European and global markets. “

A market made up only in Italy 1,200 hospitals with at least 15 different departments for a total of 18,000 units, in Europe (U.S., UK, DE, FR) shall be calculated at least 72,000 units. In short, a well-armored startup ready to face a huge potential market.

” WIN technology convinced us for two main winning aspects in today’s biomedical  instrumentation business  – says Antonio Leone, one of the angel investing in WIN – The first factor is the major improvement of care that the solution allows the patient and the second factor is the considerable cost savings for healthcare facilities.
But also crucial was the consideration of the entrepreneurial team, consisting of a group of highly trained of Sant’Anna in Pisa, which was immediately able to structure a business model ready to face big challenges. “

Approval from SICI (Enterprise Development Centre Italy) Tuscany Sgr independent of the financial system that currently manages 3 closed investment funds (including Tuscany Innovation Fund) with a total budget of 135 million euros.

 “For SICI, the investment in WIN is in line with the primary objective of the Innovation Fund Tuscany to support young innovative companies operating in the territory of the global market and which present strong growth prospects. We are pleased to invest in WIN – said SICI President Massimo Abbagnale – an innovative start-up with expertise and ability to arise in the short-scale international, we believe that even with the support of SICI, the company can achieve important results in the medium to long term. “



WIN is a spin-off of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa founded in March 2009. It is located at CERFITT Pont-Tech in Pontedera (PI), close to the research laboratories of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, which perform scientific and technological researches of the highest level in different areas such as biomedical, precision engineering and robotics.
The mission of W.I.N. is to create world class wireless medical systems based on cutting-edge technologies for the wellbeing of the third millenium mankind. This through the development of innovative technology that meets the needs of the market and end-users. The technology developed by W.I.N. is covered by international patent (PCT WO2009127954) with extension in the markets of Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil, Japan, China, India and South Korea.
After the success in the competition “The Talent of Ideas” organized by Unicredit and Confindustria, WIN has established a strong strategic partnership within this national context.
The Tuscany Region has believed the innovative idea of WIN, through the financing of one million euro in the project P.R.I.M.O. Check-Up (Integrated Regional Project of Hospital Monitoring).
WIN is currently working with ASL 5 of Pisa for a research project at the F. Lotti Hospital in Pontedera. Other experimental projects are in the pipeline with various hospitals.


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