Quantica evolves to Principia


Principia SGR is the new name of Quantica SGR, a leading Italian Venture Capital with actually has about 90 million of euros under management.

With the name, logo and image changes, the VC company also renewed the shareholding structure and its presence, both online and offline.
The new site www.principiasgr.it has much more appeal and represents some radical innovations that have characterized the life of the company in the last year: in addition to the name of the Principia, which coincides with that of managed funds – “Principia Fund” and “Principia II” – , new private shareholders also entered the team: Michael Costabile, Andrea Di Camillo and Vintage Capital, owned by Stephen and Andrea Gerosa Siglienti.

The mission of Principia SGR is simple: catch trends in technology and innovation, thanks to the skills acquired over the years by the management on the Italian high-tech market, and support start-up companies bringing capital, experience and relationships.

“Innovation as a game and purpose, industrial approach and value creation, convergence of goals and values, sharing of operational experience, daily commitment, attention to young talents and national specifity. These, in our Principia SGR, the words that will draw the ecosystem of business innovation in the coming years, “says Michele Costabile, Managing Director of SGR Principia.” An ecosystem that is already emerging, and whose success will depend on the actors who will play extra-role, such as, for example, those who will be able to do venture capital with the main goal of industrial and business development, constantly looking for young talents and to connections between serial entrepreneurs or champions of innovation. “

The management of funds Principia SGR is based on experiences and relationships of private shareholders, Andrea Di Camillo, Michael Costabile, Stefano and Andrea Gerosa and institutional Siglienti, CNR – National Research Council and Fondazione BNC, and wants to take advantage of the skills and the specific areas of excellence in the country.

“Focusing on Italian territory, – said Andrea Di Camillo – Principia assist the entrepreneur who wants to take advantage of the opportunities that the digital revolution offers, supporting through its financial resources, skills and relationships with the business community and the world of universities and research. The investment activity, especially during start-up, is more than just a financial transaction: the industry experience plays a crucial role. In this sense, Principia will pay the utmost attention to the understanding of the businesses in which we invest, and because of the experience developed by our team, we believe we can be partners helping and at the same time stimulating entrepreneurs to grow.

In the new site, there is a section reserved for subscribers to access funds, designed to make the activities more transparent and thereby increase the relationship of trust with stakeholders.


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