Paulo Andrez is new Eban president




Paulo Andrez is the new president of Eban, the European business angels network. Andrez succeed to Brigitte Baumann who held precidency since 2009 and will be helped in his job by the executive committee composed of Luigi Amati, Philippe Gluntz, Nelson Gray and René Reijtenbagh.

Paulo Andrez is an Angel investor, Vice-President of FNABA (Portuguese Business Angels Federation), President of Cascais Business Angels and Member of the Board of DNA Cascais (BIC). He also chaired the EBAN Research Committee and seated on the EBAN Board and Executive Committee for the last two years.

The General Assembly also elected a new Board of Directors for the coming two years. The new Board includes: Baybars Altuntas (Business Angels Association Turkey), Luigi Amati (META Group; Italy), Francisco Banha (Gesventure; Portugal), Peter Braun (Mountain Partners; Switzerland), Albert Colomer (ESBAN; Spain), Konstantin Fokin (National Business Angels Association; Russia), Philippe Gluntz (France Angels), Nelson Gray (LINC Scotland), Ute Günther (Business Angels Netzwerk Deutschland; Germany), Candace Johnson (Sophia Business Angels; France), Ari Korhonen (FiBAN; Finland), Dusan Kosic (Serbian Business Angels Network), Claire Munck (Be Angels; Belgium), René Reijtenbagh (Development Agency East Netherlands).


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