StartuParty is back and partners with SeedCamp


It’s time for a StartuParty, the coolest and amusing event for startuppers (and startups) in Italy! Next 30th of May, in Milan, at FIAT Executive Lounge the third edition of StartuParty will take place, don’t miss it, since it is coming with a great opportunity!!

Yesterday, StartuParty team announced a new and exciting partnership with Seedcamp, one of the most appreciated early stage mentoring and investment program all over Europe and Mediterranean area.




But first, let’s step back for a second.

StartuParty team started this event to boost the Italian startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Each event gives the opportunity to some of the best Italian startups to pitch their product and service (Road55) and to everyone coming to network, meet other fellow “hustlers” and, well,…have fun!

“But we wanted something more – said Francesco Inguscio, one of the promoter and founder of Nuvolab – We wanted to give the chance to one startup to have international visibility and attend some of the best incubation program in the Europe. This is why we decided to partner with Seedcamp“.

Here is how it works:
One of the startups selected to pitch during Road55 will have the chance to go and attend the next Seedcamp event.

If you want to pitch, apply by filling out the form,  deadline is May 25th.

Only five startups will be selected and if your are one of them you will be contacted on May 27th.

Important note: the final choice will be up to Seedcamp. The startup selected will be announce on the Seedcamp website and it must agree to the Seedcamp terms.

You are not a startupper?

Do not despair, StartuParty is a nice occasion to change your mind, the atmosphere is very friendly and positive, it is a chance to meet and have good time with lots of interesting people, full of great ideas.

The first two edition were really successful, give a look to the videos.






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