Vertis Venture backing Karalit, disruptive technology and CRS4 spin-off


KARALIT, the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) company born in 2007 as spin-off of CRS4 (well-known research center in South Sardinia, raised 350 K euros from Vertis Venture, a leading Italian VC fund, focused on investments localized in south Italy. 

KARALIT’s technology might be disruptive, but it’s been tested and fine-tuned in leading academic and R&D organizations worldwide.
The founder, Marco Mulas, has led innovative research into new CFD methods for more than 20 years, most recently as leader of the fluid dynamics group of CRS4 Research Center. His team comprises international developers and analysts with a common mission: making CFD a naturally integrated part of the design process.




“We are really pleased,” said Marco Mulas, founder and CEO of KARALIT ” Vertis confidence confirms the validity of our project. This partnership will allow us to continue even faster in our development strategy.”

Il mercato in cui Karalit si posiziona (aziende, Università, centri di ricerca) non è dei più facili, è dominato da grandi gruppi e da particolari politiche commerciali, ma la proposta tecnologica di Karalis è altamente innovativa.  Come conferma Amedeo Giurazza, Amministratore Delegato di Vertis “I motivi principali che ci hanno spinto a investire in KARALIT sono rappresentati dalle rilevanti competenze del suo team e dalle enormi potenzialità del prodotto”.

Karalit market, wich includes companies, universities, research centers,  is not an easy one and has been dominated by large groups and special trade policies, but the Karalit technological proposal is highly innovative. As confirmed by Amedeo Giurazza, Vertis CEO  “The main reasons that led us to invest in KARALIT are represented by the significant expertise of its team and the enormous potential of the product.”




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