A new way to get deal flow….Barcamper!

Barcamper® is the new dPixel’s program for the acceleration and enterprise creation, through the scouting of high-impact Startups on the entire territory.
It is a path of excellence that uses an innovative methodology to encourage and stimulate the proposal of high impact initiatives proposed by talents, researchers, managers or freethinkers.
Barcamper® is a real camper, set up as a mobile office, independent in terms of connectivity and equipped with telepresence technologies, able to connect in real time from anywhere with the dPixel headquarters in Milan. Through a web-based system on the website www.barcamper.it you can book an appointment in the places where the Barcamper stops, and present your startup to the “dPixel mobile commission.” The most interesting projects are inserted in the accelerator programs and are eligible to receive investments in venture capital.
Everyone can join Barcamper®: just have a revolutionary business idea, a free spirit, a great desire to do and a little courage.
Barcamper® is a tool capable of combining talent, mentorship and teamwork with the aim of transforming ideas into high potential real businesses.



Next appointments:

15 ottobre: BIELLA – Città Studi
17-19 ottobre: MILANO – Stand A15 SMAU
22 ottobre: TORINO – Politecnico
23 ottobre: IVREA – Piazza Ottinetti
24 ottobre: NOVARA – Dipartimento di Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa
25 ottobre: VERCELLI – Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
26 ottobre: ALESSANDRIA – Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica




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