New exit for Italian Angels for Growth

Italian Angels for Growth announced its exit from the French company Senseor, one of the first investments made by the members of the association.

It is the second exit for IAG and comes after divestment Quotient Diagnostic of last year.

Senseor has been acquired by the German group Wika, the market leader in the electronics industry. Details of the transaction were reserved.

“Senseor is one of the investment that IAG members made outside Italy – says Marco Villa, co-founder and  Managing Director of IAG – and remarks, also in its exit (through the buy-out to a large international group of electronics such as Wika)  the IAG ability to act both in support of the Italian startups and to move in a global market”.

Valerio Caracciolo, business angel champion of the investment , said: “Two years ago we invested in Senseor considering very likely an exit of this type, technically a buy-out. The electronics industry is dominated by very strong groups, rooted, often coming from old economy, but at the same time extremely attentive to innovation that comes out from young company as Senseor,  real “gems” in terms of skills , proprietary technology developed and added value they can bring. As investors, we can only be very pleased with both the economic and the “moral” side of the exit, because we have contributed to the   Senseor growth and helped them to achieve a great result. “

“This very welcome and important change will allow us to benefit from the capabilities and experience of Wika – a major player in the sensors markets. It will help us exploit and strengthen our leading position in SAW technology” – comments Gerhard Heider, founder of Senseor.
Senseor uses SAW (Surface Acoustic Waves) technology to produce wireless and passive sensors for temperature, pressure and strain/torque measurements. Resulting solutions enable condition monitoring directly on the critical points – even if on rotating shafts, in inaccessible areas, under strong electromagnetic fields.
Mr. Alexander Wiegand, CEO of the Wika Group comments “The promise of Senseor carries interesting novel application capabilities for the sensor markets and Senseor is very well positioned for taking a strong position”.




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