99designs loves Italian startups

The contest “99designs loves Italian startups” opens today Italian operations of 99designs, the graphic design marketplace based in San Francisco and Melbourne, that since last August started its expansion in Europe aquiring the Berliner 12designer, establishing headquarter in Berlin, launching the German-language site in September and the French – language site in November.

Now is time for Italian chapter that will be managed by the nice Giulia Depentor, coming from 12 designer team,  that has been appointed as Italian Country Manager. Giulia  hails from San Donà di Piave, a town near Venice, but lives in Berlin, and she will oversee the Italian services, communities and partnerships.

“Since the opening of 99designs, the Italian community expressed extraordinary creativity and professionalism. – said Giulia to Startupbusiness – To encourage more designers to join the big family of 99designs, to participate in the contest and to make the Italian community stronger and more active, now 99designs is also present in a completely new version dedicated to designer and Italian customers. We are excited about this choice and we are confident that Italy will continue to give us great satisfaction!”

To celebrate the launch of 99designs.it, 99designs has teamed up with top Italian entrepreneur platform Startupbusiness to give away nine free design contests. If you’re a startup in need of design work, visit the 99designs Italy Facebook page to apply! In addition to receiving a contest in the design category of their choice (a value of up to 479 €), all selected companies will be featured on 99designs.it and Startupbusiness.it.
Be sure to bookmark our new 99designs Italy Facebook page to stay looped into our activity in Italy and to find out which startups have been selected for 99designs ♥ Italian Startups! And for more information about our Italian launch, check out our press release.



“With Italy’s startup scene really taking off in recent months, it seemed the ideal time to give Italian entrepreneurs a native-language version of 99designs to help brand their companies and get to market quickly,” said 99designs President and CEO Patrick Llewellyn. “As one of the most design-centric countries in the world, Italy has been an important part of 99designs’ European success to date. We already have a strong customer and designer base there and look forward to significant growth in 2013 and beyond.”

“The rapid adoption of 99designs in Germany and France following our introduction of localized sites in these countries is a clear indication that offering regionally tailored platforms and support is critical,” said Eva Missling, 99designs’ General Manager of Europe and founder of 12designer. “Giulia’s passion, experience, and knowledge of the local language, culture and startup community make her the ideal candidate to lead our expansion efforts in Italy.”








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