Digital Magics, the italian venture incubator focused on digital startups, completed the placing of convertible bonds (CB) worth 3 million euro. The operation, launched in December 2012, was successfully completed thanks to the participation of seventy investors who shall have the right to convert the CBs at the time of listing.

Consequently, specialized private investors and some major institutional investors shall also be entitled to join the Angels Network of Digital Magics by taking part in the selection, mentorship and co-investment of the startups incubated by Digital Magics.

Fondo Atlante Seed (Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo), Banca Sella and Tamburi Investment Partners are some of the institutional investors which are participating in this attractive and profitable initiative.

The issuance of Corporate Bonds falls within the scope of the current project of listing on AIM, Alternative Capital Market of the Italian Stock Exchange for Small and Medium-sized Italian Enterprises with high growth potential. The listing is intended to strengthen the position of Digital Magics in the Italian marketplace as venture incubator and to increase investments, thus raising funds to speed up the financing of startups in the digital sector.

The Digital Magics partners in its IPO plan are: Integrae SIM as Global Coordinator and Nomad adviser, DLA Piper providing legal advices and services, BDO specialized in auditing and Burson-Marsteller dealing with financial communication.

“For the first time in Italy an incubator works on an ambitious project as that of an IPO for the Stock Exchange. We all feel extremely proud that we have achieved so much so quickly, especially in terms of confidence and interest shown in our IPO” – said Enrico Gasperini, Founder and Chairman of Digital Magics – “Digital Magics is a venture incubator featuring a unique and innovative model: it sets up and launches digital startups, providing an end-to-end support to their development through Digital Magics LAB, also investing equity capital during the seed stage in cooperation with its Angels Network. The listing on the AIM will enable us to further expand and ‘industrialize’ our business model, thus contributing to the establishment of many new businesses in the Internet and digital sector; as a matter of fact, this industry has experienced an unprecedented growth in recent years and is expected to record double-digit growth in Italy over the next years”.



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