Wise get a 1 million euro investments and the Italian embassy in Berlin organizes a start-up event

Milan and Berlin based biotech start-up Wise announced a 1 million euro investiments from the German based High-Tech Gründerfonds, Atlante Seeds and b-to-v Partners.

Wise (Wiringless Implantable Stretchable Electronics), is a medical device company developing next-generation implantable neurostimulation devices based on their unique and proprietary technology platform.

“We feel honored by the trust placed in WISE by the investors who recognize how our technology can change the neurostimulation market. We are certain, that our product features genuinely disruptive properties and will overcome the limitations of products currently available”, comments WISE’s CEO and co-founder Dr. Luca Ravagnan. “Completing this financing round gives us the resources at hand to finalize our prototype and fully engage into pre-clinical development”.

“We have strongly believed in this project and in the scientific team since the company foundation”, adds Agite!’s President Dr. Mario Zanone Poma. “We consider the participation in this investment round by three of the major Seed Funds in Europe as a fundamental step forward in the development of WISE towards commercial success”. (here is the complete press release)

Wise is one of the Italian start-up participating at the event organized by the Italian embassy in Berlin tomorrow, November 11th. Serveral Italian and German start-up will pitch and they are CoContescocontest.com – Codemotion codemotionworld.com – evomob evomob.com – INTOINO intoino.com – iversityiversity.org – Laubwerk laubwerk.com – Qurami qurami.com – Yachticoyachtico.com – WalletSaver walletsaverapp.com – Wheelab wheelab.com – WIICOM wiicom.eu – neuGRID neugrid4you.eu – PLANET wemimic.it – WISE wisebiotech.com – WinMedical winmedical.com


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