The Italian co-working brand Talent Garden awarded in New York

A few days after the election of an Italo-American mayor in New York, Italy is now supporting Talent Garden, an Italian project which was selected among the five finalists in the “Take the H.E.L.M. 2.0” contest – among hundreds of others from all over the world.
Talent Garden is a network of coworking spaces aimed at providing startups all they need to succeed, and expanding to New York will be the next big step along a successful path that led them to become one of Italy’s main players in the field of innovation. Talent Garden now hosts over 500 talents in seven cities throughout Italy, and this sensational award shall be the foundation of its expansion abroad, as one of the future symbols of Italy around the world.

The first Talent Garden opened in Brescia, a city in Northern Italy, in 2012, as a meeting place for freelancers, agencies or startuppers working in digital and innovation, but especially as a garden that is nourished by ideas and nourishes ideas.
Then, a few months ago, Talent Garden applied to the H.E.L.M. 2.0 contest, a prize which aims to redevelop Lower Manhattan, as one of over 300 candidates from all over the world. Now, it will be the only representative of Italy at the final awards on November 21st, which will be hosted by Goldman Sachs in New York.

The eminent jury of the event includes several among America’s best known managers, including: Alicia Glen, Head Of The Urban Investment of Goldman Sachs Bank; Rachel Haot, Chief Digital Officer of the City Of New York; Kyle Kimball, President Of The New York City Economic Development Corporation (Nycedc); Lawrence D. Lenihan Jr., Founder And Managing Director of Firstmark Capital; Richard Parsons, Chairman of Citigroup and Ceo of Time Warner; David Tisch, Co-Founder of Techstars Nyc, and Alexis Ohanian, Founder of Reddit.
Given that the success in this initiative stimulated Talent Garden to accelerate its NY plans, they are now also launching a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. The Talent Garden NY will be opened in collaboration with twenty digital communities from all around the world, and shall be the safe harbor for startups from all over the world which need not just an office, but a helping hand to successfully integrate within the American ecosystem.

As Davide Dattoli, 23, CEO and Co-founder of Talent Garden, puts it down: “We wanted to prove that Italy isn’t a place you must escape from – to the contrary, it’s a great place to start an international venture. Now, after our success in Italy, we want to export our model worldwide, and we’re delighted that the most important city on the globe decided to import our philosophy – see fusion of cultures as a creator of cultural and economic value”.

Talent Garden will also become what it already is in Italy: a place where brilliant minds with a focus on digital and communication connect, grow and blossom: coworking doesn’t fully define what Talent Garden is about. It isn’t merely the sharing of a physical workspace; we share ideas, objectives, hopes, inspirations, and even everyday life routines. Talent Garden is a “Passion working space”. In Talent Garden members meet, relate, connect and enrich each other. They attend special events organized to bring in the creative “seeds” circulating around outside, in order to be inspired and turn interesting ideas into successful projects.
Talent Garden helps entrepreneurs, freelancers & small businesses succeed by increasing their connections to each other and to investors, and by providing them with services that allow them to focus their energy on what they do best. How? Thanks to their one-vision global community: Talent Garden offers flexible, beautiful workspaces with a modern “made in Italy” design, access to an energetic community, the resources of a growing global network, the energy and shared knowledge of a tech conference and the buzz of a social networking event rolled into one.

Now, after the successful growth in seven Italian cities, it aims for a steady international development. 23 cities around the world, from China to Paraguay, have already asked the founders to open a Talent Garden there as well, and NYC shall be the first, big step in the constitution of this international network.



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