Italian quality and beauty, the complete report


Culture Synapses – an innovation agency – curated the international version (compact and in English language) of a report published by Symbola Foundation and the Italian Chambers of Commerce, focused on the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in Italy.

CCS are composed by: Design (incl. fashion design), Architecture, Communication, Film, TV, Radio, Animation, Interactive Software, Publishing, Comics, Music, Heritage, Performing Arts, Visual Arts.

In the past, private investment hasn’t played an important role inside the CCS (with exceptions, such as the production of high budget movies through tax schemes), due essentially to a relatively low investor readiness from the companies side, and a lack of specific CCS knowledge from the investors side.

Fortunately, the scenario has been improving in the last years and we are now ready to exploit the rich potential of the interaction between the CCS and the private investment universe.

Finally, we highlight the main 2012 data for the CCS in Italy:

–  460,000 enterprises, representing 7.5% of the national economy

–  the added value was € 80.8 bn, equivalent to the 5.8 of the national AV

–  the workforce reached 1.5 m individuals, 5.7% of the country’s total

here the complete report 

Ivan Sanna, founder of Culture Synapses


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