PickParking by Cubit goes on Kickstarter

PickParking came as a result of Cubit expertise in the smart mobility sector: it is an innovative parking space sharing system, conceived mostly for the US and Northern-European markets. In fact, in Italy the topic of the lack of parking spaces and the idea of a “shareable city” has started only recently.

After the approval of the Kickstarter team, the crowdfunding campaign for PickParking has just started: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1767642122/pickparking

Cubit stands among the first Italian Companies to be allowed in the most important crowdfunding platform worldwide. This step is included in the internationalization process Cubit has undergone for the last two years, with the opening of the headquarters in China, Brazil and, finally, the USA.

The idea, that is currently spreading in the above-mentioned countries, is very simple but genial: to connect those who have a parking spot to those who need it, when they are not using it. It is a simple but revolutionary system expanding the number of available parking stalls in our cities by sharing private spots.

The unique advantage of Cubit solution, with respects to other existing apps, is that PickParking is the only parking space sharing system providing 100% reliable physical check in/check out control of the parking. In fact, PickParking associates the dedicated app to the wireless sensor, able to identify with total precision the parking spot and to communicate in real time if it is available or occupied; this reliability is impossible to be achieved by the GPS module, featured by the existing apps.

Cubit decided to launch the PickParking project on Kickstarter, the most important crowdfunding platform picking up the most innovative and interesting ideas around the world and submitting them to a worldwide audience for funding.

“We believe PickParking has a great success potential, and the first feedbacks we’ve received are very positive” says Marco Magnarosa, General Manager, Cubit Inc.. “Crowdfunding is a good opportunity opening a new market segment; in Italy the topic is just starting to be discussed, while it is largely spread in the US”.

Pledges range from one dollar to $25 for the official PickParking T-Shirt. You can become a PickParking owner starting from $99 for very early adopters, the estimated market price is $199.


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