Webit Congress announces its 2012 start-up challenge



After Arabnet in Beirut and Pioneers Festival in Vienna, Startupbusiness is partnering with another top level international event dedicated to startups and innovation. This event is Webit Congress 2012 and will take place on 10-11 October 2012 in Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC ), Turkey. 

The event is a two days full of conferences, workshops, and a specific moment for start-ups that can join the Webit 2012 StartUp Challenge. The Challenge is open to all start-ups that are less than 4 years old and are based in Europe, Middle East or Africa. The deadline to join the challenge is July 20th 2012.

Webit Congress is one of the most important international event for the emerging EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) digital markets and will highlight the work and ideas of 21 shortlisted start-ups, giving them the opportunity to exhibit for free and pitch in front of the world’s biggest investors, local VCs and strategic partners.

“Each year a judging panel of industry experts selects a list of startups that get to showcase their business, enjoy exciting networking opportunities and the chance to meet the business angels, VCs and investment funds representatives in one place. However, the inclusion of all emerging EMEA markets presented us with a challenge. Moreover, with our host city Istanbul being one of the major hubs for digital business in the region, we felt we have to do something special”, says Webit Congress’ founder and CEO Plamen Russev.

This year the pool of shortlisted start-ups is increased from just five of last year  to twenty one. All finalists will get a free expo booth in the heart of the event and the chance to pitch on stage in fronт of the audience, judges and investors. The winner will receive international media coverage from Webit’s global and local media partners and catch the attention, tweets and posts of more than 6000 visitors coming from more than 60 different countries.




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